I’m afraid I haven’t been very good at telling people how much I loved them or cared for them. I saw this as an opportunity to do that.
Being Catholic...
In three Legacy video recording sessions, long-time (and now retired) Sioux Falls businessman, Realtor and developer sat down with StoryTelling America producer, Rick Lingberg, to share his life story.
The idea to preserve his personal, family and business legacy through video and photos was first suggested to him by his wife Margot.
Later, Pat shared with us some thoughts he had about the experience of recording his story.
Why did you want to tell your story?
"I have often thought about all the stuff I have saved over the years, important things I wanted to get on paper or get on the computer that would give people in our family a little bit of an idea about what life has been like for me. I’m afraid I haven’t been very good at telling people how much I loved them or cared for them. I saw this as an opportunity to do that."
View the embedded image gallery online at:
http://www.fyi-dakota.com/index.php/my-story-pat-rogers#sigProGalleria8229f214f3 |
"My Story: Pat Rogers"
Was it difficult?
"At times it’s difficult for me to put in words how I actually feel about things, but I hope that people who see this will understand what I’m trying to express."
Were there any unexpected results?
"What we did in a few hours I believe you could extend to fifty hours because there is so much in a person’s life that is not recorded, not written down, it’s just in the mind of that person and perhaps some others who were involved."
Why was it important for you to do this?
"I don’t think I have always told people how important they were to me. I want them to understand how I truly feel. I think that’s important, I hope that others see it that way."
Rogers & Realty... |
Would you encourage others to preserve their stories? Why?
"Yes definitely. I would tell people that by doing this they will discover how valuable relationships are in one's life."