...when you get down to it, it’s not the 'stuff', but the 'memories' that are important...I saw this as a way to capture and preserve them.
If you have spent anytime at all in Sioux Falls in the last several decades you've no doubt run into Dick Beck. Dick is a long-time businessman (Barrell Drive-In, Palmer Construction, Beck and Hofer Construction) and community leader (Chamber of Commerce, Optimist Club, Ronald McDonald House and more). He recently shared with StoryTelling America some thoughts on his experiences in creating “My Story”.
Click on white arrow to watch video clip from "My Story: Dick Beck" |
View the embedded image gallery online at:
http://www.fyi-dakota.com/index.php/my-story-dick-beck#sigProGalleria508fcf6eff |
"My Story: Dick Beck" |
What expectations did you have when you started the "My Story" project?
Dick: I had no idea where you were going with this. When you try to document 80 years of stuff…it’s a lot of stuff. I've been working on writing my story for some time. At least this project got started and came to an end. I’m still writing my story.
Are you a saver?
Dick: I save everything. I even have my tax returns from High School. By doing this I thought I wouldn’t have to save so much junk. I'd hoped my family and friends would learn more and know more about me from doing this than they might have learned by reading my 1953 tax return.
View the embedded image gallery online at:
http://www.fyi-dakota.com/index.php/my-story-dick-beck#sigProGalleria4aaf374991 |
"My Story: Dick Beck" |
Did it help you get rid of your stuff?
Dick: No, I still haven’t thrown anything away. But, when you get down to it, it’s not the “stuff” but the memories that’s important. I don’t want to lose the memories. This was a way to capture and preserve them.
Was it difficult?
Dick: Some moments were a little difficult. Life is not a complete bed of roses. There are some difficult parts and some not so difficult.
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Lisa Garrett | John Beck | Linda Halliburton |
Your kids were a part of this, why?
Dick: I thought it would be interesting to get a different versions of the same story. I think we did. Different perspectives from different times. I heard things I didn’t know about. Things that stuck with them. I learned things I didn’t know.
Was it worth it?
Dick: If anyone asked I'd say, "If I had to do it over, I’d do it again."