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"They Care About You"

Sadly, almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce or separation. Nearly all separations cause great distress for couples and their families. Gloria shares how the power of her faith and faith community helped her get through this heartbreaking and painful experience.



How many times do we think we know best how problems should be handled, only to discover God has a different plan? We have to realize our individual perspectives are soooooo limited, while God's plans are soooooo limitless. He sees the long-term and understands the impact on all His creation, not just on us.



the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds.
Matthew 14.19

I tell people my wife “completes” me.  In reality, that’s not really true.  Although she does fill in so many of my deficiencies, only God will ever “complete” me.  Jesus often provides for us through our own talents and through the people he has placed in our lives, just as he provided for the crowd on the mountainside using the loaves and fish. But… we must let him decide the best way to take care of us. He really enjoys taking what is too little and multiplying it into too much.


Heavenly Father,

Help me to recognize every trial or hardship in my life is a fork in the road.  While there are many things in life that I can handle myself, help me to develop the habit of turning first to you.  You are my greatest source of strength and unfailing deliverer from whatever it is causing my pain.  Thank you for always being there for me.


Like & Share Stories

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TrishDorn Splash 163 SusieLammers Splash03 DSeiner Splash 02 GloriaPoulin 03 Splash
Trish Dorn  Susie Lammers Dennis Seiner Gloria Paulin
DDorn Splash3 AWilliams Splash 163 KevinFeterl Splash 163 NicoleJohnson Splash 163
Don Dorn Anne Williams Kevin Feterl Nicole Johnson 
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Ian Stark      

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With the advance of cultural indifference, or even hostility toward religion and spirituality, our Church has been a little slow to respond. We depended on each generation to evangelize the next generation, and often enough, other cultural values eclipsed the message of the Gospel. We hope that our "Like and Share" project might reach some folks who are searching for something deeper in life. Perhaps some will even join us at Mass for another look.